AAIIT innovates MHCIa supertype-based vaccine encompassing 48% to 98% of the human population to treat IgE-mediated inflammatory allergy, autoimmune diseases. Moreover, AAIIT innovates the universal MHC Ib, HLA-E-based vaccines encompassing 100 % of human population.
AAIIT innovates peanut vaccines on nuclear receptor platform for long-term peanut allergen-specific IgE tolerance.
Licensing reverse ribosome display Darwinian molecular evolution platform in de novo Darwinian design and inbreeding via DNA Shuffle to provide high affinity three dimensional proteins and peptides to treat IgE-mediated allergy, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.
AAIIT invents, discovers and serves our collaborative Pharmaceutical partners in improving quality of life (QoL) of the patients.